Safeguarding Update to Parish Liaison Group – April 2023
This summary provides an update on safeguarding arrangements to St Winefride’s Parish Liaison Group following
the update shared in March 2023.
1. A summary of the items discussed at the meeng of March has been prepared and will be available for
all Parishioners to read.
2. Work has begun on reviewing Noce Boards at the back of Church in order to provide a number of
documents for Parishioners to review, this is a requirement of the Diocese in ensuring that all Parishes
have access to and can request a copy of policies, procedures and documents.
3. The Diocesan Safeguarding Oce will be providing hard copy versions of the Parish Safeguarding
Handbook for the Parish Priest, the Parish Safeguarding Rep (PSRs) & a copy for Parishioners, whilst we
wait for these to arrive a copy has been linked to our Parish website and adversed within the Parish
4. Carmel will be updang Parish Posters with new contact details of Parish and Diocesan Contacts.
5. Fr Patrick will be aending x 2 - Zoom training sessions in the coming weeks; these will focus on the
praccal aspects of ensuring safeguarding is integrated into his ministry within St Winefrides.
6. Both Fr Patrick and Carmel will be expected to register to aend mandatory Domesc Abuse Training, an
email has been sent to us both with dates to book, these will be in June and July.
7. Carmel has aended a training session for PSRs led by Rachel Campion, Director of Safeguarding a
summary of the updates and discussion is set out below.
Rachel introduced Alan Booth as a new Safeguarding Ocer to the team. Alan has a background in
safeguarding professionally, having rered from the police service working in Public Protecon,
Modern Slavery, Human Tracking & organised crime. Alan will eventually take on the role of
Fr Mahew Jakes is taking up the role of Clergy Safeguarding Lead
All parishes will be expected to complete a further Parish Audit toward the end of 2023, this is in
preparaon for a Diocesan Inspecon of safeguarding arrangements
Progress has been made in compleng the uploads to the Diocesan Website
hps://www.dioceseofno this is a rich source of all
policies, procedures and guidance to support Parishes and volunteers in their roles, we have links
from our Parish website to the Diocesan website
Rachel provided training updates on safeguarding for Children, Adults and Communies focussing
on data, types of abuse, recognion of vulnerable people in our parish, reporng and risk
There will be Risk Assessment training available via the Diocese in bite size sessions in the near
future, this will be for leaders of groups, and anyone involved in managing risks through Parish
acvies. Parishes were advised to hold a single folder for all RA to be held in the Parish
The Diocese will be looking to hold a central register for all volunteers regardless of whether they
require a DBS for their role, further guidance is awaited on this.
Rachel advised that any Clergy who come to the parish as visitors perhaps for the summer as
guests of the Parish are required to go through the Diocesan Oce for approval.
Carmel O’Brien
Parish Safeguarding Representave, St Winefride’s, Shepshed